Me-Made-May ’13 – Week One!

One (small) week down, four to go! Here’s the recap!



Me-made dress: I made this dress about four years ago, I think it must have been the fifth garment I ever sewed. It was a blouse pattern from this French book (the one that’s on the cover actually), to which I made a lot of modifications (some on purpose, some not so much). I love this dress, it’s one of the pieces I wear the most often. It’s so comfortable yet I find it flattering with its twenties look which I adore. The print too is quite nice with its stained glass scenes.


To go out (to see Blancanieves), I also wore my me-made jacket and shawl (which I had to take off because it was too hot). The shawl is 100% acrylic, which I know is frowned upon by many knitters (myself included), but I must say I’m impressed by the quality of this yarn: it’s been machine-washed and tumble-dried about a thousand time and I’ve been wearing it every cold day for the past four years (that’s a lot of cold days here in Belgium), yet it hasn’t even begun to pill or anything. Plus it’s quite nice against the skin. And it cost €1 a ball: that’s about €6 for my favourite and most worn shawl! The pattern is North Roë Shawl by Odile Buatois-Brand, which I loved knitting (and it is free!).


The last me-made thing I wore on that first day is my hat! I pledged to wear at least one me-made hat a week and I thought this one would go quite nicely with the outfit. I made it at my millinery class and I must say I was thrilled with the result, it is exactly what I had in mind! It’s a one-piece wool felt with a hand-molded brim and a satin bow.

So as you can see I liked my Day 1 outfit very much, it was comfortable yet put together and it’s the kind of outfit I love to wear.



The skirt is me-made. I wore this to go to work (with a bike commute). It’s an outfit I’ve been wearing a lot this year, it’s very comfy but still feminine. Come to think of it, this skirt is kind of my version of jeans. I’d love to wear more jeans (or any kind of pants), actually, but I don’t own a single well-fitting pair. I’ll have to remedy that. Ha, only two days in and already a hole in my wardrobe has been discovered!

Also worn, not on the picture: the same jacket and shawl as on Day 1.



Once again, the skirt is me-made. I paired it with a vintage Courrèges twinset my mother thrifted in the eighties. I liked the colors of this outfit and felt very comfortable biking and working, though I’m not sure it’s the most flattering silhouette.

Also worn, not pictured: the same old jacket and shawl.



I don’t work on Saturdays, so I chose to wear this me-made dress which would be much too short otherwise. It’s the first dress I ever made (the pattern is in this French book, the only change I made was shortening it) so it’s full of mistakes and the inside is horrendous, yet I still wear it with pride. 😀 Oh, and the fabric was found lying on the floor of the metro by my mother! Yes, my mother always makes the craziest finds!

The bag is also me-made and is actually the first thing I ever sewed by machine (four years ago I think)! The bag itself was made following a pattern, but I can’t believe little beginner me went and stitched her own appliqué from scratch without any explanations or help whatsoever, ah, youth! Just as with the dress, the bag is imperfect as can be but I still use it very often.

I wore this outfit (and my me-made jacket) to go to the local fabric store and haberdashery, then to spend the rest of the day sewing at home. The dress is comfortable BUT there is no lining, so it has a tendency to ride up when I walk, especially with the wind facing me, which was the case on that day. Seeing as it is already very short, I really should avoid wearing it when I know I’ll have to walk a lot!



Me-made dress, the second one I ever made (from this Burda pattern – I shortened the sleeves). I must say I chose to wear it because I knew I wouldn’t have to leave the house but to go to my mother’s, who happens to be my neighbour! It’s not really my style anymore, and it’s also short and flouncy, which doesn’t make me feel covered enough! Plus it’s not very flattering (makes me look pregnant from the side). So, although I was very proud of my newly-acquired technique at the time and still like the yoke and the buttons very much, I think I’ll have to donate it or reuse the fabric or something.

Week Two, here I come!


23 thoughts on “Me-Made-May ’13 – Week One!

  1. Quelle jolie semaine!! 🙂
    j’aime bcp le tissu de la robe Day4 !! vintage et coloré.
    le patron est de quel livre? (quand j’appuis sur le lien, il marque “erreur”.. )
    J’ai hate de voir la 2eme semaine! 🙂
    bonne semaine

  2. Pingback: Me-Made-May ’13 – Days 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 | reWOLLuzza

  3. All of your outfits are lovely and I second reWOLLuzza in that I love your shoes! Also for the flouncy dress, perhaps you can make it into a blouse by removing the ruffle and bringing in the sides? The bust area looks great and it would be a shame to give away if you still enjoy the buttons and placket.

    • Thanks! 🙂
      I had thought about making the dress into a blouse, but I hadn’t thought about taking in the sides! We’ll see if I can muster the courage to do that or of it’s just easier to give it to someone who enjoys it the way it is 🙂

  4. I just found your blog today and am so happy I did! I love your outfits for MeMadeMay, they are terrific! I really like your fashion style and how you put everything together as well.

  5. j’adoore toutes tes tenues ! il y a des styles assez variés en fin de compte, mais tous te vont bien, je trouve toujours ça super chouette de savoir varier les styles en étant bien dedans ! et j’aurais dit comme plus haut : transformer cette dernière robe en tunique ? ou bien en fait, la porter sur un pantalon (jean un peu patte d’eph !), pour quoi pas ?

    • Je pourrais transformer cette robe, mais finalement elle me botte de moins en moins en fait, donc elle se dirige lentement mais de plus en plus sûrement vers la pile “à donner”.
      Mais merci pour tes compliments! 🙂

  6. Pingback: Me-Made-May ’13 – Week Two | Rue des Renards

  7. Pingback: Me-Made-May ’13 – Week Three | Rue des Renards

  8. Craquage complet pour la robe du 1ier jour! La forme, le tissu, les couleurs, la façon de la porter. elle est hyper bien portée aussi les autres jours, en particulier le 26ème!
    J’ai le fameux livre, ça me donne envie de me lancer et en même temps, sacrés transformations quand même!… On dirait que tu as créé un empiècement en biais à la place des fronces, non?…
    J’aime aussi bcp les jours 4 et 5, et tous les autres aussi d’ailleurs je crois!
    Bravo pour ton blog et ta photogénie! Ce petit côté vintage et désuet, rien qu’avec tes expressions du visage est charmant et épatant.

    • Merci, c’est vraiment une de mes robes préférées, pourtant elle a bien failli terminer à la poubelle!
      Niveau modifications, rien de bien compliqué en fait: la première est assez évidente: j’ai rajouté un panneau avec quelques plis pour servir de jupe. La deuxième modification, j’ai été obligée de la faire parce que soit le patron avait un problème, soit je m’étais trompée en le decalcant (ce qui est très probable), mais en tout cas l’empiècement tombait bien trop bas et les “épaules” m’empêchaient de lever les bras: j’ai simplement remonté le tout (comme si on soulevait la robe par les épaules) et estimé un peu à l’arrache le nouvel emplacement de la couture d’épaules. Je pense que j’ai dû enlever trois à cinq centimètres aux épaules? Difficile de me souvenir exactement après tout ce temps.
      Mais si c’est seulement moi qui m’étais trompée en décalcant et que le patron n’a pas de problème, tu obtiendrais un résultat similaire simplement en rajoutant une jupe à la blouse, sans autre modification.
      En tout cas merci pour tes adorables compliments, ça me touche beaucoup. 🙂

  9. Pingback: Me-Made-May ’13 – Week Four | Rue des Renards

  10. Pingback: MMM ’14 – The End! | Rue des Renards

  11. Pingback: Me-Made-May ’13 – Week Five / The End! | Rue des Renards

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