Me-Made-May ’13 – Week Two

Two weeks down! And a whole one this time, yay!



The dress is me-made. It’s Sewaholic’s Renfrew top, to which I added length and a (woven) peter pan collar. I also omitted the sleeve and hem cuffs.

I wore this outfit to work then to millinery class in the evening. It was very comfortable, even to bike in (yay knits!), but I kept having to check whether the collar wasn’t being too wavy. I realised after taking off my cardigan because I was too hot after biking that it was the cardigan that stopped the collar from laying flat and that the dress actually looked way cuter on its own.

I also wore my Minoru jacket and the same shawl as every day of Week 1.



Tuesdays are a day off for me, so I was able to wear a me-made short skirt. I also used the same bag as on Day 4, but no jacket or shawl because the weather was quite warm.

I was quite overdressed and my shoes were not the most sensible ones because, though I had planned to go to my shoe making class  in the evening, a sudden thunderstorm stopped me from going and I eventually only ran a couple of errands and did my laundry.

The shirt I’m wearing is vintage and I made a few repairs to it and replaced its buttons. An ex-neighbour who had bought it in the sixties gave it to me when I was about thirteen I think. Oh, and the cardigan was found on the street by my mother! I told you she always made the craziest finds! 😀



My favourite outfit of the week! I made this dress years ago following a blouse pattern (from this French book) that was meant for wovens. I didn’t know anything about fabric choice at the time so I used a knit. The result was catastrophic at first, but (I don’t exactly remember how) I managed to not only salvage it but to make it into one of my favourite dresses.

I also wore the same jacket and bag I can’t believe I’m still mentioning, but hey, no shawl this time! I wore this outfit minus the hat to go to work (you really can’t wear a hat on a bike, ask me how I know), then in the afternoon with the hat to go for a walk and run errands.


About the hat, I made it during a beginner’s two-day training in millinery a couple of years ago. It’s a one-piece wool felt with hand-molded brim.


I find it quite easy to wear with its bowler hat look that is softened by the pleats at the brim. Kind of like a feminine version of Professor Calculus’s hat. 😀



May 9 is a holiday, so I got to stay at home the whole day! I wore my new T-shirt and it was very comfortable.

DAY 10


The skirt is me-made. I sewed it a long time ago and I lost weight since, so it had become a little too big and I hadn’t been able to wear it the last few months. Me-Made-May finally gave me the push I needed to alter it so that I had one more wearable garment. I still like it, but I’m not used to unlined skirts anymore, so I didn’t find it as comfortable as my other skirts as it kept riding up a little, especially on my bike.

It’s still very useful because it’s so simple it goes with practically everything. What’s funny though is that while wearing it I was convinced it was knee length and a little frumpy, but on the picture I see it is much shorter than that!

Other me-mades worn on Day 10: my trusty jacket and shawl. Oh, and I got a new haircut (not me-made)!

DAY 11


It was Saturday, so I sewed at home, then I went for a bike ride (during which I got rained on), then a walk with my boyfriend. I wore this cardigan I knitted recently and a vintage handmade dress I love. These are two pieces I never would have thought to combine had it not been for Me-Made-May and I’m very happy with the result.

I also wore, can you guess it, my jacket, shawl and bag! 😀

DAY 12


The skirt and cardigan are me-made and I wore them at home, then to bike (under the rain again 😦 ) to my father’s for a family meal. I knitted this cardigan more than a year ago yet I had never worn it before that day. I find it very cute (look at that lace pattern!), but a short-sleeved cardigan in wool is not really the best idea in the world! It’s too warm to be worn in Summer, and I thought a cutesy cardigan wouldn’t look very nice with long sleeves underneath so I couldn’t wear it in cold weather either. But Me-Made-May helped me bite the bullet and finally at least try it with a long-sleeved T-shirt underneath and, well, it doesn’t look that awful. It’s not as cute as without the tee, but at least now I can wear it, so I consider that a win! And it was actually very comfortable to wear on a cold (but not so cold) day like Day 12. Enough warmth on the body but not too much warmth on the arms.

Do I need to mention I also wore the usual jacket and shawl? I didn’t think so.

See you next Monday for Week 3 (and before that for other stuff 🙂 )!

13 thoughts on “Me-Made-May ’13 – Week Two

  1. What a lovely week! I really like your pictures, the chalk board thingies are so cute! (I should start commenting in French, I need to practice it again. I’ve been French-shy for so long, luckely I’m speaking again in French, now I need to get back to writing)

  2. Olala mais il y a que des jolies choses ici! 🙂
    difficile de dire une preferance!
    j’aime bcp le pull tricoté avec boutons paquerettes! j’adore le melange Vintage/moderne !
    et est ce que c’est difficile de faire des chapeaux?
    Hâte de voir la semaine 3 en esperant que le temps sera meilleur.. 😉
    bonne soirée

    • Merci! 🙂
      Honnêtement, non ce n’est pas plus difficile que ça de faire des chapeaux. Si on a un peu de force dans les bras et un peu de patience pour la couture à la main, il n’y a rien de bien compliqué en fait!

  3. Pingback: Me-Made-May ’13 – Week Three | Rue des Renards

  4. Pingback: Me-Made-May ’13 – Week Four | Rue des Renards

  5. Pingback: Me-Made-May ’13 – Week Five / The End! | Rue des Renards

    • Je suis partie du modèle J, mais j’ai dû faire quelques modifications de la dernière chance pour sauver cette robe.
      Si je me souviens bien:
      – les emmanchures tombaient trop bas (du style à ne pas pouvoir porter la robe sans un débardeur en dessous – après coup j’ai vérifié, quand on le sait on le voit un peu sur la photo du livre: elles descendent jusqu’à l’élastique de poitrine), donc j’ai fait monter les coutures des côtés beaucoup plus haut (ça m’a été permis par l’élasticité du jersey).
      – J’imagine que j’ai rallongé la tunique pour en faire une robe.
      – J’ai fini emmanchures et encolure avec un “biais” de jersey, avec à l’encolure un nœud de cravate… parce que je ne savais pas comment faire une finition de biais d’encolure en V propre, donc j’ai tâtonné avant de trouver cette solution.
      En bref, cette robe est une de mes préférées et certainement une de celles que je porte le plus, mais heureusement que personne n’en voit les finitions intérieures! 😀

      • J’ai fait cette tunique aussi mais en version plus courte. Elle est en stand by à cause du problème de l’emmanchure aussi…comme je l’ai faite ds du tissu non élastique impossible de coudre plus haut comme toi. J’ai placé les parmentures à l’extérieur, ça fait une sorte de petite manche volantée cache misère, ms c’est encore à amelirer. J’ai bien galéré avec l’encolure en V, qu’il va falloir que je reprenne à la main. Bref, suis bien déçue, j’aurais dû aller lire le blog des addicts d’abord je suppose… Ta version est réconfortante.

  6. Pingback: MMM ’14 – The End! | Rue des Renards

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