Elderberry Dress

Elderberry1Fall has definitely arrived here in Belgium! 🙂 I could do without the rain of course, but other than that I’m really happy about it: fall is such an inspiring season, knitting and sewing wise (and I’m not even talking about cooking and baking, yum!). As far as knitting goes, I’m still begrudgingly working on the same old project (yawn), so I had to turn to sewing to truly welcome my favourite season.

Elderberry6To me, the Sureau pattern by Deer&Doe is the fall dress par excellence. I don’t really know why, actually: is it the length of the sleeves, the fact that it looks great with tights, that it can be layered effortlessly, that it screams for a floral pattern? Whichever it is, I couldn’t wait any longer to sew a Sureau, especially since I recently found the perfect fabric (at Berger in Brussels), a cotton lawn with tiny blue, white and pink flowers.

Elderberry2The fabric was a dream to work with, as was the pattern. My only tiny complaint about the pattern is that I couldn’t find any mention of the buttons in the explanations (I was wondering whether the button markings on the pattern corresponded to all the sizes or to one size in particular). Though I have to say, I didn’t have any trouble figuring out that part. 🙂 I just found it weird, that’s all, especially on a beginner pattern. Maybe it was an oversight in the first print of the pattern and it has been corrected since? Anyway, I’m nit-picking, other than that the instructions were perfectly clear and easy to follow.

Elderberry3Seeing as the first two Deer&Doe patterns I sewed fit me quite well, I didn’t bother making a muslin for this one. I didn’t make a single fitting alteration and the fit is close to perfect, if I do say so myself. I cut a straight size 36 even though I’m a 40/42 on the bottom, thinking the gathered skirt would be forgiving, which it was.

Elderberry5The only modifications I made were style choices, the first one being that I need my dresses to have pockets (I’m not carrying my tissues in my bra anymore!), so I added two patch pockets. The second one concerns the sleeves: I’m not totally sold on the form of the original sleeves, which are a little too billowy to my taste, so I added an elastic in a casing at the hem. It gives the sleeves a puffier look, which I love. Also, although I don’t know whether to call that a modification, I understitched the collar facing instead of topstitching it. Oh yes, and I lengthened the skirt a little by making a baby hem instead of the recommended 2cm hem.

Elderberry4The dress is exactly as I pictured it and I feel like it was the first project in a long time that did not almost end up in the trash! Everything went smoothly, I took my time on the finishing (French seams wherever possible, and machine overcast stitch on the rest of the seams: waist, zipper side and sleeve setting – oh how I long for a serger!) and poor zipper challenged me didn’t even encounter a problem inserting the zipper, now that’s a first! 😀

Now I have to decide on my next sewing project: another dress, leggings for lounging at home, a desperately needed coat…?

61 thoughts on “Elderberry Dress

    Ah ben t’as complètement raison le fit est parfait! Eleonore a vraiment dû venir te mesurer pendant ton sommeil! hi hi hi
    Je suis méga fan du tissu (moi aimer le bleu!! hi hi hi) et je trouve que les boutons contrastants apportent du peps à la robe!!
    C’est rigolo parce que si tu ne mets pas tes mains dedans, on ne voit pas les poches sur la photo! Ce sont des poches magiques!! 🙂
    Ce que je trouve cool c’est que tu as réussi à complètement t’approprier ce patron (qu’on a du voir 1 million de fois au moins!!) et en faire quelque chose qui crie “Tassadit”!!
    Bon et encore une fois je suis fan de tes petites chaussures!! 🙂 Va falloir que tu fasses attention aux portières de citrouille! mouah ah ah!! 😛

    • Oué, vive le bleu!
      Pour les poches, j’ai failli ajouter un bouton sur chacune, puis je me suis dit qu’il valait mieux les laisser se fondre dans le motif.
      Et ta Sureau à toi, quand est-ce que tu nous la montres? 🙂

  2. This is gorgeous and it’s great to sometimes have a project that just comes together so beautifully. I really like your modifications and your styling is impeccable as always 😊 I vote you do a coat next, I’d love to see what you come up with!

    • Thank you! It was such a relief sewing something without experiencing any problems, for once. I might decide on another easy project before tackling the dreaded coat!

  3. So pretty! This pattern is still on my to sew list (I should make an actual list). I really love your version. So pretty! And you really need a serger. I’m so happy I bought mine. In the beginning I didn’t use it that much, just for finnishing the raw edged; But now, when sewing knits, I use it all the time. It’s great! It is super fast to make t-shirt and I stil need some long sleeves for this winter.

    • As I answered above, I’m finally ready to purchase a serger, I just need to bite the bullet and buy it already! I can’t wait to sew some beautifully finished T-shirts! 🙂
      You should definitely sew a Sureau, it’s a really easy, pretty and wearable dress! As for your list, personnaly, even though I LOVE writing them, I never make an actual to sew one because I would feel guilty if I didn’t follow it!

  4. Elle est super belle, ta Sureau ! Ce modèle a été un des mes premiers essais en couture mais je ne la mets jamais parce qu’elle est un peu trop grande et que je finalement, je n’adore pas le tissu. Je devrais peut-être en recoudre une !

    Ce w-e, j’ai cherché un modèle de manteau et je reste sur ma faim… Quel genre de manteau coudrais-tu ? As-tu déjà un patron ?

  5. Absolument superbe ! Je trouve que tu as totalement revisité le modèle !
    ça me donne envie tiens !!
    Et je plussoie ton commentaire pour voir la version de Mimolette ^^

  6. Wow, gorgeous! I like the red buttons you used, sets off perfectly from the blue. I don’t have this Deer and Doe pattern, I have the Belladone but I could recommend to read the instructions in french, as sometimes when things are translated, they are not as clear. The french version may have more info re: the buttons and etc.

    • Thanks! 🙂
      I did read the instructions in French: I bought the first print of the pattern, from when it hadn’t been translated to English yet, which is why I was wondering whether the button part had been added since…
      Oh, and about the buttons: they are not red, but fuchsia pink! You’re not the first one to call them red, though, so I guess they must look red on some computers! 😀

  7. So pretty! I always like your tights and shoes too. I’m so jealous you didn’t have any fitting issues, haha! It’s gorgeous, well done 🙂

  8. A wonferful dress! Glad to hear everything went smoothly, Don’t we love when a project is just simple joy to make? Also, you can totally French seam a waist seam and so can you armholes. Jen over at grainlinestudio has a good tutorial. The trick to French seam curved seams is to clip the seam allowance very narrow. I have yet to figure a good way to finish the SA on the zipper seam though….

    • Thank you! 🙂
      I did read that tutorial, but I was afraid the gathering of the waist and armholes would pose a problem. As for the zipper seam, except binding the seam on a heavier fabric, I sure don’t see a lot of cute options besides serging…

    • Thank you! 🙂 You should try this dress, it’s easy to sew and the result is so cute and wearable! My buttons aren’t red, though, but fuchsia pink: you’re not the first to tell me that, so I guess they appear red on some computers…

  9. Beautiful! I love the combination of colours you’ve used in this dress and the pockets are a perfect essential addition! Deer and Doe patterns are so addictive!

  10. Qu’est-ce qu’elle est belle cette robe!!

    j’ai découvert ton blog grâce commentaire que tu as posté sur la page du concours TN Extreme makeover. j’y participe aussi (j’en parle ici http://www.panierdezazou.com/extreme-sewing-makeover-de-threadneedles).

    Merci d’avoir partagé cette créa avec nous! ça m’inspire, moi qui rêve d’une robe avec des boutons sur le devant… (et j’aime trop les chaussures que tu portes avec aussi ahah)!

    • Un grand merci! 🙂
      J’ai été voir ta page, la robe à pois est plutôt prometteuse! Je commence justement à réfléchir un peu sérieusement au concours: j’ai ma robe, mon idée, il ne reste plus qu’à voir si c’est réalisable!

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  12. Hello Tassadit!

    I recently discovered your blog, via the Sureau flick’r group, and I’m so very impressed with the things you sew and your impeccable sense of style! I’m sewing myself a striped blue Sureau at the moment and I wish I had you’re shoes to wear with it, they ‘re so pretty!

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